We Build Monetization Ready High-Value Virtual Properties

Hosting Company Reviews

These hosting company reviews are a net result of our experiences with each of the companies. When you decide to migrate your website to another host, these are the hosting companies that we absolutely do not migrate to.

The Reason?

There are too many potential issues during the migration and a TON of problems after the migration. The aggravation is not worth your money or time or ours; take notes.

Hosting Company Reviews

EIG - Endurance International Group

EIG buys out hosting companies and pushes them under their umbrella. The problem is, EIG immediately throttles down CPU Resources, Bandwidth, Services, and Support.

If you need to call, chat or email tech support, beware! You will be speaking/interacting with someone from a low-paying foreign country following a script, and they have no incentive to provide you with exemplary tech support.

How could they? They have no fundamental skills in solving complicated hosting issues such as PHP, MySQL, site vulnerability, migrations, plugin conflicts, theme conflicts, etc. If you have a website that receives little to no traffic, EIG might do in a pinch.

But if you expect any traffic (and you should), DO NOT use them! The other issue is, they use a proprietary GUI Graphical User Interface hosting panel that is horrendous. Comparing their GUI to cPanel, (which is the standard) is like comparing a 2021 Porsche 911 to a 1982 Ford Escort. EIG’s GUI is akin to an old Ford Escort; again, do not use them because there will be difficulties!

We used to host web properties with Hostgator years before EIG bought them out. Before that point, Hostgator was AMAZING! After the buyout, EIG ended up shuttering our accounts because they claimed we were using too many server resources; that message came without warning. We had to emergency migrate websites with no help from EIG; luckily, we had backups. Read the hosting company reviews:

Hostwinds Hosting Company Reviews

We learned about Hostwinds after they acquired two different hosting companies that we had been doing business with for over eight years. Mind you, we were advised of the takeover and were assured that our accounts and websites’ migrations would be seamless.

It turns out they were DEAD WRONG! Their migration team screwed us royally, and to add insult to injury; they swore it was not their problem! We ended up spending almost two days recovering twenty-four websites after that catastrophe! Please stay away from them! Read their hosting company reviews:

GoDaddy Hosting Company Reviews

The issue with GoDaddy is they use a proprietary GUI hosting panel they built themselves, and quite frankly, it sucks! It’s like comparing a 2021 Porsche 911 to a 1980 vehicle with a manual transmission, manual windows with no air conditioning or power brakes.

Once you experience the cPanel GUI, the GoDaddy GUI is like driving that 1980 stick shift with no air conditioning; it is not an option. Additionally, you can do things in cPanel in a few clicks; but you have to contact GoDaddy to complete that task.

The final issue is the upsells! GoDaddy nickels and dimes you into online frustration. Their overpriced upsells are like a bodacious and incessant bill collector. SSL Certificates are an example; most hosting companies that use cPanel provide Let’s Encrypt at no charge.

With GoDaddy, they currently only allow Let’s Encrypt on their low-traffic shared accounts. Everyone else will pay anywhere from $64.00 to $295.00 p/y. So, if you have a website with a Shopify store as a subdomain, you will pay that staggering $295.00 annually for SSL. In our humble opinion, such upsells are all rip-offs! Read the reviews.

In summation, we DO NOT migrate our DFY websites to these three hosting companies due to the various issues during and after any migration.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.


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